Webinar series

Everybody is welcome to join these webinars, regardless of their level of seniority, degree, or whether affiliated to the ObsSea4Clim project or not.

A preliminary list of the planned webinars is presented below. This page will be updated as the date of each webinar is confirmed. Registration links will be made available below, and the link to the webinar presentation and recordings will be provided after the webinar has taken place.

Introduction to data management for ocean observing

Content: data management in the context of ocean observing, examples from other large EU-funded projects
Partner: ETT

DATE: Stay tuned!

What is the Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR)?

Content: Where do requirements come from and do you believe they are real?
Introduction to the rolling review or requirements (RRR) and its application to ocean EOV/ECVs. Impact and evolution of the process.
Partner:  ENS, GEOMAR

DATE: Stay tuned!

Best practices and standards for observations – general topic

Content: A general introduction to best practices and standards for observations, challenges and processes proposed by ObsSea4Clim
Partner:  IEEE

DATE: Stay tuned!

Best practices and standards for observation – focused topic

Content: Focused webinar: presentation of best practices for EOV and concrete use cases. Use cases of WP4 may be used, but these will be added when the results of WP4 are available. 
Partner:  IEEE

DATE: Stay tuned!

The use of AI algorithms in quantifying uncertainties: foundations and expected advances

Content: AI is expanding in all areas. What is the potential contribution to uncertainty quantification and quality assurance of EOVs/ECVs?
Partner: HCMR in collaboration with ETT

DATE: Stay tuned!

Regionalisation for ocean climate indicators

Content: Why do we need regionalization for indicators? How to test multi-product skills, uncertainties and method sensitivity to enable regionalization of ocean indicators.
Partner: NUIM

DATE: Stay tuned!

Marine extremes in Europe and in the Arctic area

Content: Development of “driver” and “precursor” indicators for monitoring extreme ocean events.
Partner: CMCC  and NERSC

DATE: Stay tuned!

An integrative approach to ocean indicators

Content: Strategies for an integrated approach for ocean indicators: Introduction to environmental stressors associated with climate impact drivers.
Partner: MOI and ENS

DATE: Stay tuned!

Sea-ice loss: An application area for climate EOV/ECVs

Content: presentations on the application areas of the ObsSea4Clim project.
Partner: DMI

DATE: Stay tuned!

Ocean Transport: An application area for climate EOV/ECVs

Content: An introduction to this specific application area of the ObsSea4Clim project, plan and expected results
Partner: Havstovan

DATE: Stay tuned!

Ocean Stratification: An application area for climate EOV/ECVs

Content: An introduction to this specific application area of the ObsSea4Clim project, plan and expected results.
Partner: GEOMAR

DATE: Stay tuned!

Sea level: An application area for climate EOV/ECVs

Content: An introduction to this specific application area of the ObsSea4Clim project, plan and expected results.
Partner: NERSC

DATE: Stay tuned!

Marine heat waves: An application area for climate EOV/ECVs

Content: An introduction to this specific application area of the ObsSea4Clim project, plan and expected results.
Partner: CMCC

DATE: Stay tuned!

Ocean mesoscale: An application area for climate EOV/ECVs

Content: An introduction to this specific application area of the ObsSea4Clim project, plan and expected results.
Partner: CSIC

DATE: Stay tuned!

Global and regional ESM evaluation and improvement using EOVs and ECVs

Content: How well do ESMs reproduce the phenomena targeted in application areas (sea-ice loss, ocean transport, ocean stratification, sea level, marine heat waves, ocean mesoscale) and how can EOVs and ECVs be used within these models, or to further develop and tune the existing ones.
Partner: CMCC

DATE: Stay tuned!

How to make ObsSea4Clim science actionable: what are the best ways to foster uptake?

Content: How can ESRs best engage in making science actionable, promoting uptake and understanding of results – co-creation of ideas across partners or disciplines to encourage ESRs? What forms of science dissemination and engagement can be used by ESRs?
Partner: EuroGOOS and DMI

DATE: Stay tuned!

How to make ObsSea4Clim science actionable: what are the best ways to communicate science?

Content: How can ESRs best engage and communicate in making science actionable, promoting uptake and understanding of results – co-creation of ideas across partners or disciplines to encourage ESRs? What forms of science dissemination and engagement can be used by ESRs?
Partner: +ATLANTIC

DATE: Stay tuned!


Let us know if you are interested in attending any of the webinars in the series by filling out the form below. It is possible to select more than one webinar from the list if you plan to attend more than one webinar.

Once your preferred webinars get scheduled, you will receive a calendar invitation.

By expressing interest in our webinars through the form below, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
